Monday, May 7, 2018

Back From Some Time Off

This past April was one of the hardest and most confusing months I've had in a long time. Tax time is always stressful and this time it was compounded by a broken laptop and a loss. My dog of almost 15 years, who I have had for a majority of my life, passed away. She was suffering, going down quickly, and I couldn't bear to see her that way, but knowing now that I don't have her with me any longer is just as difficult. 
Sally was a black lab mix, with some terrier, border collie, and who-knows-what-else in her. She was sweet and gentle and smart. Her eyes were so loving. She had so much personality. 
I'm going to miss her forever. 
Even now, I'm still trying to get myself back on track. Work has been difficult and my mental health has been swinging from one extreme to the other. I'll be perfectly fine, and then I'll be depressed. Slowly, things are evening out again. I hope to continue posting on my blog and putting updates on Facebook. Getting everything back to normal will be best. Sally always tried to cheer me up when I was sad and I know she would be unhappy if I just stayed low.
On the opposite spectrum of things, something else that has kept me busy lately was a visit from my brother and his wife. It was nice to see them again after so long.
There's so much else to say that I can't even imagine how I would say it all, so I'll just leave it here.
Be sure to check me out at, where I'll be posting again soon, or follow me on Twitter, where my handle is @Miss_Emily_Blue.
It's good to be back.
