Saturday, January 19, 2019

"Through Blurred Vision"

It's been a bit longer since my last post than I would have liked but hey, that's life. I don't have much to talk about at the moment, so I'll skip all that and get right to what you want. A story!
As always, please check out my other links. Follow me on Twitter @Miss_Emily_Blue. Or, there's my author page on Facebook where I post more often.
The title of this story, which is also the name of the post, isn't great title, I know, but it serves its purpose.

I heard my name being called distantly, faintly, through the horror. In front of me were shifting, amorphous creatures of light, translucent and brilliant all at once, like sunlight slanting across ice. They hadn’t been there moments ago when I came out of the base to do the morning rounds. They hadn’t been there when I tripped over my own boots like a bumbling idiot. They only sprang into existence when I hit my head, lurching out of the shadows between mounds of snow following the firework burst of pain.
Heat dripped down the back of my neck, the tang of copper cloying in the chilled air. 
Amy dropped down beside me, curls of red hair blowing on the wind. “Are you okay?” she demanded. “How do you feel?”
I cleared my throat, licking my chapped lips with a tongue suddenly devoid of moisture. “Do you see that?”
Amy glanced in the direction I pointed. “See what?” A frown darkened her expression. She clasped my shaking hand in hers, rubbing my fingers through the thick thermal gloves. “We need to get you inside so Dr. Klinga can check you for a concussion. You’re bleeding, Troy! You need to be more careful. If you keep using up our medical supplies like this…”
She pulled me to my feet, chiding me and my eternal clumsiness, bringing up examples like slicing open my palm while preparing dinner the week before, and spraining my ankle a few days before that. I stopped listening, her voice fading into the wind. 
 Amy wrapped her arm around my shoulders, turning me to face the base. I caught a last glimpse of the creatures, the shimmering, trailing ends of their forms like tentacles.
No matter how much we research, we’ll never really understand. 
There were things we couldn’t see in our normal lives, things we could never begin to understand, things which drifted with the wind like loose powder snow, ghosts haunting the plains of the largest desert on earth.

© 2019 Emily Blue

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Off to a Strong Start

Well, here we are. A week into 2019. My thoughts are racing and I'm full of ideas, but what writer isn't? It's the ability to put those ideas into words, shape them from the abstract into an identifiable form, that makes us writers instead of day-dreamers. Plans are the same way. It's easy to plan. It's hard to take the steps toward whatever goal we want. Big ideas, grand schemes, those are easy. It's walking the path, following the journey through all the detours and set-backs, that becomes the challenge. We're human. We're curious. We get lost. We lose sight of what we want. It's hard.
Not to say it's a bad thing to want to explore new options or to reevaluate our plans, but if that's all we ever do, then nothing will ever happen.
And I know I'm tired of staying in the same place. I want to make something new happen. I want to learn to set goals and be realistic in my expectations for reaching them.
I want to publish a book.
I want to get a short story published in a magazine, or anthology. Somewhere.
I want to be more organized.
I want to cook more, sew more, paint more.
I want to... enjoy being me.
It won't be easy. Hell, no. I'm a daydreamer. I look out car windows and get lost in the scenery. I have imaginary arguments in the shower until the bathroom is so steamy I can barely breathe. I lie awake at night and tell myself stories. I'm all over the place, all the time. I don't want to change that part of me. All I want to get better at is having fun while I do it. If I enjoy what I'm doing, who I am, then the doubts and second-thoughts I struggle with should be easier to bear. I might get somewhere.
This blog post I'm writing, it was on my To-Do list for the day. It's not the most important, or the most profound, but it's done. I did it.
And that's enough for now.
Thanks for listening to my rambling. I'll have a story posted here in a few days. Until then, take some time to really look around at the world. Pay attention to what you see. Have feelings about it. We're human and while we might not be the most rational, organized, or stable of people, this is our world to experience. Don't miss out on that chance.