Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Sick and Discouraged

I've been sick and feeling very discouraged lately, sleeping too much and not getting enough done throughout the day. It really sucks, especially when there's so much that I want to do. I just finished making notes on a 300-page manuscript I wrote several years ago. I got two more rejections and I want to send those stories to other magazines, and I want to get to work on editing another story. I have artwork I want to do, in a variety of mediums.
But, when I'm sleeping all day, I barely have enough time to get finished with my work and maintain a relationship.
Poor me, right? Working a job I love, at my own pace.
I'm aware that I have privileges others don't and I won't deny that I'm lucky for the opportunities I have. However, struggles are subjective. Not having a certain difficulty doesn't mean I don't have difficulties at all.
It can be rough to be motivated, carving out a simple existence in a world that favors big businesses.
It can be tough to get going when your own mind works against you.
I think I'm getting past it, though. I'm leaning towards a more positive outlook in general so I believe this, too, will pass. Things will get better, and they'll get worse, but I hope that the overall trend will be upwards.
I've been reading a novel by Dean Koontz, The Taking. I'm not a big fan of Koontz. His stories just don't hold much interest for me. This one especially has a lot of purple prose that just doesn't seem like it fits the story being told. There's not enough substance for me. Not enough forward motion. I have a feeling the ending is going to disappoint me too, as his books usually leave me wanting. I hope I'm proven wrong because a bad ending is going to make me reluctant to read another book of his that I plan to get into.
That's all for now, I believe. I've been posting more on Twitter, and I definitely post on my author page on Facebook.
My Twitter handle is @Miss_Emily_Blue and my Facebook author page is www.facebook.com/authoremilyblue
Until next time.


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