Thursday, February 7, 2019

Personal Rejection

It's a busy world. There's not always a reason given for the way things are, or at least there's not enough time. Now more than ever, we as a society are constantly moving on to the next. That's no truer than in business. It doesn't matter so much WHY you weren't chosen for something, just that you weren't. 
That's why personal rejections matter so much to writers. I've gotten used to form rejections. It's just convenience. I accept it and try again elsewhere. But when an editor takes the time that they don't have to give to others and uses it to pen a few lines to you about what you sent to them, it means the world. It almost doesn't feel like a rejection. It feels good because it means I was good enough to stand out and make them want to say something about what I wrote. 
Already this year, I've had a few personal rejections, and on one short story in particular. There's been praise. There's been reasons given why the story wasn't chosen. Not the right fit for the magazine, despite enjoying the story itself, or liking one aspect of it but not another. I was even invited to resubmit a story to another collection after being passed over for the first one. The editors liked it enough to want to give me a second try. 
It's still not quite what I want, but it gives me hope and shows me that I'm moving in the right direction as a writer. I'm improving. 
I was going to post a short story here this time, but this has gone on a bit longer than I thought it would. Look again in a few days, please. 
If you want reminders and convenient links, be sure to head over to my author page on Facebook at
Until next time.


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