Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Fall Solitude

Now that Thanksgiving is nothing but a memory of its former self, it's time to get back on track. I say that, but I still have no idea where my track is. Maybe I'll find it one of these days.
I did manage to get outside yesterday and today, which was nice. I do enjoy my walkies and the weather is perfect for it. Bordering on cold, crisp, quiet. I love the fall solitude, listening to the world around me. The world seems to be mostly composed of squirrels these days but I'm not exactly complaining. I can watch them on the autumn-bare tree outside my window, going about their busy little lives.
There's something about this time of year, when everything is so clear and there's hardly anyone else outside. It just feels magical to me. Maybe that's why I recently wrote a story about it. It's been sitting on the back shelf of my mind, idling, waiting for distance to form between it and myself so I can edit it with clarity. I'm pretty sure that time is almost here.
Casanova the Editor Bird sleeps more often these days, responding to the change in season. None of my other animals seem to care. Edgar the betta fish, Toko and Nadia the hermit crabs, and new addition Mocha the Syrian hamster just keep going on without a care. I care. I love my little zoo.
Be sure to check out my author page on Facebook if you get a chance, at facebook.com/authoremilyblue. I post updates and such there that I don't post here.
Until next time.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Long time, no see!

I can't believe it's been almost 7 months since I last posted. Things keep falling by the wayside, as I work at my job, my mental health, and my hobbies. Everything is work and nothing comes easy, but some days make it worth everything.
I finally completed work on the last draft of a short story that has been in progress for a very long time now, probably longer than it should have been. But, I'm happy. All progress is good progress! No one should ever forget that.
My plan now is to start sending it around to magazines and such in the hopes of publication. I've recieved rejections before and I'll recieve many more when all is said and done, but I'm not afraid of that. It's just part of the game, and I'm in this for the long haul.
No matter how many times you're rejected, don't give up. There are better things ahead.