Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Happiness Is Like...

I have to say, the fact that I'm seeing a few views here is really heartening. I'm so grateful for anyone who takes a few minutes out of their day to read what I've written.
I recently finished working on a second draft of a short story that I wrote in the past. I feel much, much better about it now. My partner read it and called it creepy, although she's not normally a fan of horror so her tolerance isn't very high. Nevertheless, she's always honest with me, and she says she enjoyed it. It needs another edit and a real title, and then I can look into sending it around to magazines.
Three stories of mine, circulating the internet, looking for a home. Nothing is certain and yet, the idea of all that potential is astonishing to me. Even a year ago, I wouldn't have thought that I'd be accomplishing so much, personally and professionally.
But, nothing's perfect. Happiness is like breath against a window at night, a pale fog through which the darkness can still be glimpsed. It won't last forever, that fog. It dissipates, shrinks away. But we breathe again.
Today (technically yesterday but at the time I'm writing this, it's 2:40 a.m. and I haven't gone to bed yet. It feels like today to me still) I had a very hard time getting out of bed. Unless someone has had depression, or a similar discouraging mental illness, I think it might be hard to understand the weight of your own discouraged thoughts. It's so hard to get going, and all the while it's like you're carrying this boulder uphill. At any moment, your strength might give out. You might fall, collapse, get dragged back, be crushed.
Or, you just might make it.
I like to think I made it. I did my work, and I had some fun. As my partner says, it's not about plastering a smile to my face. It's about putting one foot in front of another.
I think that's all for now. Be sure to check out my author page on facebook, at facebook.com/authoremilyblue/
Until next time.


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